Have you ever wondered what all those people wearing dirty lab coats are doing in the overpoort? Have you heard about this thing called "cantus" but have no idea what it is?
Don't worry, the international konvent is here to help!
We're organising one of these ourselves, open to international and local students. On this cantus you'll be able to sing your heart out and drink as many beers as you want. *
What: Cantus aka singing songs, drinking beers
Date: March 27th
• 19h30: introduction about the cantus, so definitely come in time if you've never been to a cantus
• 20h: start of the cantus
Where: Campus Coupure, Paviljoen
Who: international and local students
€ 14 pre-sale
€ 15 day-of
€ 8 water only
€ 7 helping hands during setup and teardown