Informing students with disabilities from Universitat de València about ESN AISBL goals in their destination cities.
Uv discapacitat, which is the department of Universitat de València charged of integrating students with disabilities, invited us to a give a talk about the role of ESN and it´s importance for erasmus students. It was with eagerness that we had accepted, then we prepared a document with the important tips and must-do lists for administrative processes and travelling needs which we based our speech upon.
The Foreign Affairs & Cooperation department of our university was also present in this talk to explain how should the erasmus students contact their coordinator, how much many does the scholarship consist of, ...
It was an interactive activity, Uv discapacitat, the Foreign Affairs department and us were explaining important information to know about and we always kept in mind that we should reassure the students with disabilities and make them feel fully confident about their exchange programme.
After the explanation, we answered the questions that the students had and we indicated how they can contact us for further questions.