

The aim was to show International students hidden beautiful places in Liberec and give them a chance to get away from the computer during lockdown.
Hike & Seek was held for 4 weeks (4 rounds). Participant could play alone or create a team of max. 2 people (based on current Covid regulations). Each Monday, participants were given a riddle, pictures, coordinates or other helpers how they can find the place of hidden jar which was left there by ESNers. To complete the task, they had to visit the place and send a picture with the jar to the group chat. The points were given to them from the first to the last team descending. During the game there were given extra point for extra task during the week. For instance, shout: “Good Hike!” in their mother tongue.
Example of riddle:
The GPS coordinates are here: 50.7685492N, 15.1203339E . And the riddle for finding the jar is: ,,There are dead bodies of trees around me, I have Liberec in my palm and my big rock brother protects me." On your way there, you can folow green turist sign.
At the end all participants were awarded with sport equipment based on the points they received.