Due to the pandemic process , people were leading sedentary life. Gym's were closed and maybe some people could not affort to go to the gym. They were tired of struggling with online education and jobs.This had a negative impact on people as physical, mental and social life.Therefore, this activity aimed to raise motivation and physical capacity and recognations of the skills.
A brisk hiit cardio training was given by Event Coordinator around 15 Minutes and streching.High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue On the pilates mat, we showed some cardiovascular moves and participants followed and made movements synchronously.It was emphasized that stretching exercises should be done before and after training in order to prevent possible injures.And we did a joyable, healthy and beneficial training.