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Group of international students inside the Grotta Gigante
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Sgonico (ts)
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

The aim of this activity was to take international students to discover one of the most famous pieces of natural heritage in the surroundings of Trieste, the Grotta Gigante, and to try traditional local food at an osmiza.


On the 2nd of March we organized a trip to the Grotta Gigante, a cave in Sgonico famous for is huge dimensions. We met at Piazza Oberdan at 9:30 am and we went to the cave by bus.

Once we got there, an English speaking guide took us on a tour of the cave. She explained the history of the Grotta Gigante and how it is constantly changing its appearance because of the action of water creating stalactites and stalagmites. She also mentioned the importance of not touching the stalactites and stalagmites in order to respect the nature around us, since our touch would have stopped the growth of this particular kind of rock. During our tour we also learned that there are several kinds of animals living inside the cave. At the end of the tour, our guide offered to stay a little longer with us to answer our questions and it was very nice to see that many people were interested in discovering more about the cave and asked several questions. This is definitely a sign that the tour had been very interesting.

After the tour we went to Osmiza Bizjak from 1pm to approximately 7pm. An Osmiza is a typical kind of restaurant in the area of Trieste where you can eat traditional local food like eggs, charcuterie and cheese boards. Osmizas are usually family-run places and they are always frequented by locals who want to spend the afternoon away from the city enjoying the countryside of Trieste and some good food.

Fee: 12€ for Grotta Gigante and 15€ for Osmiza

It was optional to participate in both parts of the event.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Encouraging Slow Food
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Showcase Natural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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