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Vibrant array of ingredients prepared for the Planetary Health Cooking Workshop
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Goal of the Activity

Objective 1: Promoting Sustainable Eating Behaviors among Erasmus Students

Our workshop aimed to encourage sustainable eating behaviors among students participating in the Erasmus program. By raising awareness about sustainability, zero-waste practices, and the environmental impact of meals, we sought to increase the sustainability of the Erasmus program itself. Through knowledge exchange and practical cooking activities, we successfully promoted sustainable awareness among the participants.

Objective 2: Strengthening Community Relations and Civic Engagement

Collaboration with two local environmental associations, Food Saving Lund as well as Hemgården helped strengthen the relationship between students and the community.

The project facilitated knowledge exchange on environmental issues, promoting civic engagement in sustainable behavior. By fostering intercultural dialogue through cooking and eating together, we created a closer relationship between the locals and students.

Objective 3: Encouraging Sustainable Diets and Responsible Consumption

Our main goal was to encourage students to adopt sustainable diets and incorporate responsible consumption into their lifestyles. Collaboration with Food Saving Lund allowed us to propose a low environmental impact lifestyle by using ingredients that would otherwise be discarded. Through the preparation of vegan meals, we showcased the possibility of responsible consumption and emphasized the importance of reducing food waste.

Objective 4: Small Environmental Impact and Intercultural Dialogue

The project's emphasis on vegan cooking and the utilization of rescued ingredients resulted in a small environmental impact. By providing a platform for intercultural dialogue during cooking and eating sessions, we facilitated the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants. The collaboration with Food Saving Lund and the focus on sustainable diets contributed to the overall objective of the Green Erasmus project. By successfully achieving these objectives, our workshop not only promoted sustainable eating behaviors among Erasmus students but also strengthened community relations and civic engagement. The emphasis on responsible consumption and intercultural dialogue further aligned with the goals of the Green Erasmus project.


The workshop on the Planetary Health Diet held on 2nd May was a great success. In total 15 participants were attending, we had an even ratio of local and international participants. The evening consisted of an engaging presentation on the planetary health diet, team cooking activities, and meaningful discussions on sustainable diets. We sourced ingredients from a Zero-waste shop in Malmö and collaborated with Food Saving Lund to incorporate rescued vegetables and fruits into the menu as well as focused on seasonal and plant-based produce which we bought in a Swedish supermarket. The event fostered a sense of community and provided valuable insights into sustainable food consumption. Additionally, through our communication activities on Instagram we raised awareness for responsible and sustainable food consumption.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Fostering Responsible Consumption
Fighting Climate Crisis
Encouraging Slow Food
Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling
Physical Health & Well-Being
Recognition of Skills

This activity is part of the project:

Green Erasmus
This activity was organised by: