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Flag Picnic Integration with ESN UJ Cracow and ESN United
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Goal of the Activity

to debunk stereotypes, to integrate 4 ESN sections of Cracow and their Erasmo studens, to show cultural heritage, by flags (nationals, LGBT+ etc.) embracing cultural differences.


It's finally warm in Cracow! 
What does is mean?
We can finally organise you a picnic. 

We have 4 ESN sections in this beautiful city and we are joining our forces to present you this event as ESN Kraków United. 

You’ll have a chance to meet exchange students from different universities and unite during  FLAG PICNIC INTEGRATION.

 Park Jordana
 4 PM

Bring with you:
 a blanket to sit on the grass
 some snacks,  food and  drinks
 the flag (of your country, LGBTQIAP+, etc.); don't worry if you don't have one, you can come anyways!

Wanna join?
Please answer 2 simple questions below

During the integration we’ll take some cool  photos all together to spread the international spirit of ESN.

Cannot wait to see you there!

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Gender Equality
Mental Health & Well-Being
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility
Physical Health & Well-Being
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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