Goal is to learn about different cultures around the world and may be also experience them.
Tere, Привіт, Salem, Hallo, Ciao, Hei! Did you know that the Estonian language is one of the hardest languages for a native English speaker to learn? Or, that it’s always customary to tip in any restaurant in the US? Or, that Thai community offers Red Fanta to God!! ?
So many cultures, languages, and traditions! We invite you to share yours during Tallinn University's Orientation Week!
Come spend an evening at Tallinn University with the International Club during our Cultural Evening! We are looking forward to introducing some Estonian culture and learning about your own country and culture. Is there a food you would like to bring? Do you play a musical instrument? Is there a traditional clothing piece that is special to you and your culture? Do you speak multiple languages?
We can't wait to learn more about all the richness of different cultures and experiences! Foods and light refreshments will be provided!