Cooperation between two countries and different sections in order to provide a quiz about Health & Well-Being via Kahoot.
Health & Well-being Week is here! ESN Greece and ESN The Netherlands join their forces and present you the healthiest quiz.
How many calories do you burn while you are sleeping?
What’s the most ancient sport?
Do you know which fruit has the most calories?
If you know the answers, there will be a high chance of being a health well-being expert. It would be terrible to let your talent go. Join and prove everyone that you are a health omniscient!
Wednesday, 04/11
19:00 (for the Netherlands)
20:00 (for Greece)
Zoom (the link will be posted the day of the event)
Our Quiz will be played via Kahoot!
Please make sure that you have the Kahoot! application installed on your cellphone!
See you online!