

The primary goal was to raise awareness among high school students and educators about the remarkable opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program. It sought to inspire students by highlighting the transformative potential of international learning and cultural exchange, encouraging them to envision and pursue a future filled with adventure, personal growth and international connections.
In addition this event aimed to give high school students a tangible sense of intercultural exchange and a taste of the international environment they could experience through such programs.
Erasmus in Schools event organized by passionate local section members is a heartfelt initiative designed to open the eyes of high school students and educators to the incredible opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program. With the invaluable support of ESNers and Erasmus students from France and Italy students at Stredná zdravotnícka škola in Bratislava were given an inspiring glimpse into the exciting and life-changing experiences that await them in university life.
Events like this are essential as so many students both in high school and even at university still remain unaware of the life-transforming possibilities Erasmus+ can provide. By fostering international learning, celebrating cultural exchange and planting the seeds of curiosity and ambition this event doesn’t just inform…it ignites new dreams 🙂. It offers students a powerful vision of a future filled with adventure, growth and connection and encourages them to take that bold step toward a world of opportunity when this time comes.