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Volunteering promoting the Erasmus+ program
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Goal of the Activity

The goal is, first of all, to promote the Erasmus+ Program opportunites for hHigh School local students and, secondly, allow them to hear first hand about the experience and culture of the International Students that ESN Porto brings.


There were three sessions held for two different groups of students in a big auditorium. The session can be described like this: First, there is an intriduction were an ESNer, along with a digital presentation as a support, introduces ESN and some Erasmus+ program opportunities, specially the short/medium-period ones.

After that, three International Students present their testimony were they hold a presentation about their origins and culture but, also, their experience inside the Erasmus+ universe. 

By the end, there is a Q&A moment where the students were very active and the links and QR Codes with web pages with Erasmus+ opportunities are shared with the respective teachers. 

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Youth Rights and Democratic Participation
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