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Multicolour "Erasmus in All Colors" title, under that Spektrum, LGBTQ+ Progress Flag and ESN Flag logos in small circles
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

To connect LGBTQIA+, ally and open minded international students, volunteers and buddies with each other and with the local community

Introduce general overview and perception in Europe and Czech Republic. Host a discussion forum by local community members with Q&A to answer international students questions, and introduce a open program with ice breaking games as an opportunity for participants to meet each others.


We are happy to present you to the 7th Erasmus Pride Night: Erasmus in All Colours

Together with all ESN sections in Prague and ESN CZ; we would like to invite you to this event to get to learn more about LGBTQIA+ and how is the situation in Czech Republic from the local community members at the discussion forum, to meet each other, and to enjoy ice breaking games and drag shows at the social program.

First part of the night is dedicated to discussion forum and non-formal education, and the second part will be the afterparty to celebrate the diversity.

-- What to expect? –
- A courageous space where you can be yourselves!
- LGBTQIA+, ally and open-minded students & volunteers from other universities!

- Local LGBTQIA+ community members!
- A brief presentation and a workshop, followed by a discussion forum to answer your questions!
- Ice breaking games and an amazing Afterparty with drag shows!
- And last but not least, amazing drag shows from the Haus of Kova!

Date: 03.03.2022
Discussion forum with local community members
Time: 18.00
Location: Kampus Hybernská 2D - Hybernská 998/4
As the capacity for the discussion forum is limited, registration to it is compulsory if you wish to join.


Erasmus in All Colours Social Program
Time: 21.00
Location: Club Heaven - 11, Gorazdova 1995

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 5 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Gender Equality
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community