The objective of the activity is to inform and raise awareness on the issue of recycling and reuse of paper and books, as they represent the material most used by students. We thought we would take the opportunity of Earth Day to talk about this topic, given that the day after this anniversary, namely April 23, is the World Book Day and we organized three related activities.
Our campaign is called "Waste off, Nature on". It is based on an informative quiz on how to recycle and reuse paper and books. The questions are very scientific and have been correlated with detailed explanations. We gave great importance to the theme of reuse and we gave advice on how to reuse old books (building objects, bookcrossing points in Venice). We also contacted a cultural association in Venice (Awai) to sponsor their bookcrossing balcony. By leaving a free offer for a book, you can contribute to the management of a garden. The campaign was very successful and was interesting for all participants. The questions are not obvious and the participants were able to learn new information and become more aware of the topic.