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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity

The activity aimed to raise awareness about the issues of gender violence and gender equality and to involve international students as well as volunteers and members of the local community in such topics.

Those objectives were reached through a social campaign, carried out on the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and a call held in zoom, in which we also invited a volunteer of Casa della Donna Pisa, a local volunteering association, and the former secretary of Arcigay Livorno.


The info-interactive campaign served not only to raise awareness on these issues , but also to promote the event itself. IG info-interactive stories were published, together with photos of Erasmus girls wearing red clothes and videos that a Spanish girl had made on the topic. In addition, the section made a video where several members shared a meaningful sentence about gender equality/anti-violence.

Finally, on the call of the event, we created a first informative moment on the themes of gender equality, in which, to enrich and stimulate the discussion, the volunteer of Casa Della Donna spoke about the work of the association on the territory with a focus on their anti-violence centre and the former secretary of Arcigay Livorno presented an excursus on the concept of femininity and violence against transgender women. In addition, we had prepared a short focus on important female figures from different contexts (world of science, music, literature and politics) and from different countries, environments and eras.
After the speeches, as we had hoped, an interesting debate developed from the themes introduced and which at the end touched on several points, including a comparison between the way of living the love relationship in Italy and in Mexico promoted by an Erasmus student present there. 


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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Gender Equality
This activity was organised by: