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Students with electronic devices
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Google Hangouts Meet
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Causes covered by this activity
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Goal of the Activity

Our volunteers wanted to show how people can analyze the quality of good wine or just analyze each wine the attendants took during the meeting.



Our volunteers prepared a PowerPoint in order to show people how to know the quality of a wine, or how we can analyze the flavour of the wine or the texture. After that, they did a questionnaire with questions related to their drinks. People share their thoughts about their drinks.



Si todavía no tenéis plan para el viernes por la noche y sois unos amantes del vino y el queso, en ESN tenemos la solución perfecta: una cata de vinos y quesos en la que disfrutaréis muchísimo y conoceréis a gente nueva. 

Debido a las restricciones sanitarias la cata será online. Os enviaremos una guía con información sobre vinos y quesos para que podáis escoger el/los que queráis catar.  ¡Acompañadnos en una noche llena de diversión!

Viernes 12 de marzo a las 22:30

Google Meet (os enviaremos el enlace el viernes).

El coste de los productos que escojáis.

¡Os estaremos esperando! 



If you still don't have any plans for Friday night and you are a wine and cheese lover, in ESN we have the perfect solution, a cheese and wine tasting in which you will have a lot of fun and meet new people. 

Due to sanitary restrictions the tasting will be online. We'll send you a guide with information about wines and cheese so you can choose which one or which ones you want to taste.  Join us in a night full of fun!

Friday 12th of March at 22:30

Google Meet (we'll send you the link on Friday)

The price of the products you decide to buy.

We'll be waiting for you! 

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Mental Health & Well-Being
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: