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Kids doing an activity in a school
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Goal of the Activity

One of the goals for ESN is to show diversity. But at the same time, for every lap (1 km) that is completed, funds will go towards social projects and charities, in particular projects for kindergarten children, young families and help refugees to arrive in Jena.


The Stifterlauf is Jena's most colorful running event. Everyone can take part: whether old or young, as a team of employees, as a family or alone, walking, running or on rollers...

And the best thing about it: All proceeds benefit the Bürgerstiftung Jena and thus our city! Runners complete as many 1000-metre laps as possible and in their own pace on the Lawn Mill Island in Jena's Paradiespark and donations are made for each lap run - by private running sponsors and companies, in this case, sponsored by ESN Jena. We tried to find participants from as many countries as possible. Everyone got a flag from their home country, which they could carry throughout the run. 43 different nations registered! 

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Inclusive Education
Physical Health & Well-Being
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by:
Bürgerstiftung Jena
Bürgerstiftung Jena