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10 years of ESN Milano Unita
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The conference aimed to relive  the past 10 years and especially some of the most important  moments of Milano Unita, highlighting the impact of volunteering and the mobility of international students. 

At the same time it has been possible thanks to our activities to strengthen the relationship with our main stakeholders showing how we support international students and promote intercultural understanding and mobility.

Furthermore, it aimed to reflect on how associationism affects people’s lives and the community in which the different organizations operate. 


The conference was meant to be the first moment of a weekend of initiatives organized to celebrate the 10 years anniversary of ESN Milano Unita. It took place on Friday 4th November 2022 from 18.30 to 20:30 at IULM University (Milan).

The celebrations also included a moment of team building and a dinner on Saturday 5th November 2022.

The main topic of the conference was the impact of the six milanese ESN Sections on the territory and the importance that mobility and associationism have and have had for all the members as individuals and as a group.

After the intervention of the most important institutions of the territory that also provides the patronage for the event, contributions from more than 20 volunteers from the 6 sections went through the last 10 years of activities and success of the cooperation of ESN Milano Unita. 

Having the possibility to present our achievements in front of the key stakeholders: institutions, Erasmus and ESN volunteers made us reflect on the journey of our Section Cooperation and for the future years to come.

Throughout our daily activities we promote the enrichment of society through the international students and following our mission the promotion of mobility itself.

At the end of the conference all the stories of the speakers raised awareness among the audience over the power of mobility and the consequences and impact of international students over the city. 

Moreover, the key role of ESN has been outlined for the support to public institutions and universities in the promotion of mobility.

After the conference, the 4th International Dinner was held within the framework of FoodWave, a project of the Municipality of Milan of which ESN Italia is a partner.

FoodWave aims at creating awareness among young people with regard to sustainable approaches to consuming and producing food. The ultimate aim is to support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, and to have a say in institutional decisions.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Reducing Waste and Promoting Recycling
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility
Post-Mobility Reintegration
Recognition of Skills
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community