Health & Well-being Sport Day Welcome Week 1 19/02/2020 Torino , IT Promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle during our first ESN Torino
Culture Erasmus Cineforum 19/02/2020 Pescara , IT The aim was offer a night event where cinema and social ESN Chieti Pescara
Health & Well-being Volleyball Tournament by ESN Bergamo 19/02/2020 Bergamo , IT Organized during the Welcome Days for the second semester, ESN Bergamo
Culture International Dinner 19/02/2020 Venezia , IT The purpose of this activity was to improve our knowledge ESN Venezia
Health & Well-being Bowling Night 18/02/2020 Milan , IT The Bowling Night gives the International students the  ESN Politecnico Milano
Health & Well-being Football tournament 17/02/2020 Rome , IT Training and tournament of our female football team ESN Roma Tre
Culture Milan - Torino with ESN a Milano Unita 17/02/2020 Milano , IT Show Erasmus students a milestone of Milanese life ESN Milano-Bicocca and 5 other organisations
Health & Well-being Bowling Night 17/02/2020 Mestre - Venezia , IT Spend an evening together, have fun and play bowling in a ESN Venezia