Online Culture Virtual Museums 19/03/2020 - 18/05/2020 facebook We all know that museums were always a good choice when we ESN Iasi
Online Health & Well-being Online Yoga Class 18/03/2020 - 21/03/2020 facebook Looking for indoor activities to do while staying safe at ESN Iasi
Culture Countryside trip 30/11/2019 Iasi , RO Let the Erasmus people taste a bit of our traditional ESN Iasi
Health & Well-being Chit-chat mental health 28/11/2019 Iasi , RO Get people to open up about their problems and giving advice ESN Iasi
Social Inclusion Charitable Party 22/11/2019 Iasi , RO Raising awareness about Little People Association and the ESN Iasi
Social Inclusion Breaking Barriers 21/11/2019 Iasi , RO Start up a conversation without letting the fear of judgment ESN Iasi
Health & Well-being Survival Guide 26/10/2019 Iasi , RO To be a scout volunteer for one day, to learn how to survive ESN Iasi
Health & Well-being Yoga time 16/10/2019 - 23/10/2019 Iasi , RO To promote a healthy lifestyle through the practice of yoga. ESN Iasi