Environmental Sustainability Flea Market 29/09/2024 - 30/09/2024 Łódź , PL The goal of activity was to raise money to donate it to the ESN-EYE Lodz
Online Education & Youth European Language Day 26/09/2024 @esneye Instagram The goal of the European Languages Day campaign was to raise ESN-EYE Lodz
Education & Youth Erasmus Oscars Party 23/06/2024 Łódź , PL The goal of the Erasmus Oscars Party was to celebrate the ESN-EYE Lodz
Education & Youth Dog Walking 23/06/2024 Zgierz , PL The main goal of dog walking is to foster a sense of ESN-EYE Lodz
Social Inclusion Farewell Party - Euphoria Theme 19/06/2024 Łódź , PL Organise a goodbye party for international students to ESN-EYE Lodz
Culture Party Games Evening with ESN-EYE 11/06/2024 Łódź , PL Engage in diverse games and activities to ensure Erasmus ESN-EYE Lodz
Health & Well-being NBA All-Star Game 10/06/2024 Łódź , PL Give students space for playing basketball in teams, as well ESN-EYE Lodz
Health & Well-being Yoga in the Park 08/06/2024 Łódź , PL Showcase the possibilities to spend free time in a fresh air ESN-EYE Lodz
Environmental Sustainability Tricity trip 07/06/2024 - 09/06/2024 Trójmiasto , PL The trip to the Tricity was intended to introduce ESN-EYE Lodz