Health & Well-being Sports on the beach WD I Semester 2022/23 02/10/2022 Pescara , IT The goal of our acitivity was to promote physical exercise ESN Chieti Pescara
Culture City Tour Challenge I Semester 2022/2023 WD 01/10/2022 Pescara , IT To introduce our city and community to incoming ESN Chieti Pescara
Social Inclusion II SAMISI LOCAL EVENT: A look at the Arab World 30/06/2022 Pescara , IT The aim of SAMISI project is to strengthen social inclusion ESN Chieti Pescara
Environmental Sustainability Visit to "Centro recupero tartarughe marine" 18/06/2022 Pescara , IT Raising awareness of respect for nature and animals. Showing ESN Chieti Pescara
Culture San Vito trip 11/06/2022 San Vito Chietino , IT The goal was to visit a typical place of Abruzzo and eat ESN Chieti Pescara
Social Inclusion I SAMISI LOCAL EVENT: Cineforum Under the Stars 03/06/2022 Pescara , IT The aim of SAMISI project is to strengthen social inclusion ESN Chieti Pescara
Environmental Sustainability Cleaning of the "Parco Caserma Cocco" 01/06/2022 Pescara , IT Sensitize to respect for nature, not to pollute, to the ESN Chieti Pescara
Culture Winery Event 28/05/2022 Spoltore , IT promotion of the territory and its culture. tasting of ESN Chieti Pescara
Health & Well-being SUEP SPORT FRIDAY 20/05/2022 Silvi Marina , IT The purpose of this events is:1). Especially aimed to mental ESN Chieti Pescara