Online Education & Youth HIIT CARDIO 07/05/2021 ESN Cag Instagram Due to the pandemic process , people were leading sedentary ESN CAG
Online Health & Well-being SMA AWARENESS WEBINAR 04/05/2021 As we all know 'SMA' is accepted as a serious disease all ESN CAG and 1 other organisation
Online Health & Well-being Balanced Your Life 03/05/2021 facebook and zoom The alteration of our diet during the pandemic caused us to ESN CAG
Online Culture RETRO 80's DJ PERFORMANCE 11/03/2021 ESN Cag Instagram Presenting musical feast to the participants and diffrent ESN CAG
Online Health & Well-being Self Awareness Training 10/03/2021 zoom To increase the self-awareness of local committee members, ESN CAG
Online Culture CULTURE NIGHT 28/02/2021 Discord This Activity was decided for the announcement of secoteam ESN CAG and 1 other organisation
Online Skills & Employability Next Step Project 30/01/2021 - 28/02/2021 YÖNDERLE's web site To ensure that the adaptation processes to business life, ESN CAG
Online Culture BEST WISHES FOR 2021 31/12/2020 - 01/01/2021 ESN Cag Instagram Showing the people who is from all over the world. They ESN CAG
Online Social Inclusion ONLINE SPEAKING CLUB - CHRISTMAS EDITION 29/12/2020 Zoom and kahoot Onlıne Speaking Club - Christmas Edition ESN CAG