Culture ITALIAN DAY 22/12/2023 Mersin , TR Our event is an event held to enable our members to ESN CAG
Education & Youth ESN 101 14/11/2023 Mersin , TR What is ESN, Europe's largest student network, what does ESN ESN CAG
Culture WHİCH COUNTRY AM I 14/10/2023 Mersin , TR Within the scope of the ERASMUS DAYS event held on 9-14 ESN CAG
Culture Speaking Club 08/11/2022 Yenice , TR -To meet erasmus students and local members -To get to ESN CAG
Online Education & Youth Introduction to The Psychology of Addiction 16/12/2021 zoom Bu eğitimin amacı, toplumun eğitimini yetiştirmek ve bu ESN CAG
Online Social Inclusion WOMEN RIGHTS TRAINING 15/12/2021 zoom Our aim in this training is to raise awareness about women's ESN CAG
Online Health & Well-being International Day of Persons with Disabilities 03/12/2021 ESN Cag Instagram The purpose of this event is to raise awareness by ESN ÇAĞ ESN CAG
Online Skills & Employability Khoot! Challenge with Erasmus 15/10/2021 zoom Bu etkinliğin amacı, kültürleri eğlenceli bir şekilde ESN CAG
Online Skills & Employability KARAOKE NIGHT 14/10/2021 zoom Bu gecenin amacı, kültürlerarası etkileşime katkıda bulunmak ESN CAG