Health & Well-being Volleybal Match 12/10/2023 Ankara , TR The goal of the event was to foster a sense of community, ESN Ankara University and 2 other organisations
Health & Well-being Yoga Event 12/10/2023 Ankara , TR The goal of the yoga event was to offer participants a ESN Ankara University
Health & Well-being Abant Trip 08/10/2023 Ankara , TR The primary objective of this activity was to provide ESN Ankara University
Environmental Sustainability Bowling 07/10/2023 Ankara , TR The primary goal of the bowling night was to create a lively ESN Ankara University
Skills & Employability Glass WorkShop 06/10/2023 Ankara , TR The primary goal of this workshop was to offer participants ESN Ankara University
Culture Kocatepe Mosque Visit and Dinner 03/10/2023 Ankara , TR The primary goal of this immersive cultural excursion was to ESN Ankara University
Culture Translation Game 30/09/2023 Ankara , TR The primary goal was to highlight the significance of ESN Ankara University
Culture Coffee Festival 24/09/2023 Ankara , TR The primary goal of this activity was to provide an ESN Ankara University
Social Inclusion Game of the Silence 24/09/2023 Ankara , TR The event aimed to raise awareness for World Deaf Day by ESN Ankara University