

The goal of the event is to point out injustice and non-compliance with human rights, which is still happening in some countries. With this simple activity that writing letters is, we wanted to show students that their voice has its weight and can be heard, lead to concrete actions. At the same time, we wanted to awake an interest in human rights issues in them and support their active citizenship.
Sometimes a simple letter can change a person's life. We joined the largest human rights campaign in the world and by writing letters tried to help people who are unjustly persecuted and imprisoned
Erasmus students (but also locals) could have written their letters at home and bring them to our office, or could have come to our office and write them with us. We provided them with all necessary materials. We also created a little exhibition there and on posters presented each person who they could have written letter for and also introduced the concepts of Writing Letters Maraton to participants.
We offered the participants two different days (Tuesday 12th and Tuesday 19th) when they could have come and write the letters. In total we reached the amount of 25 letters!