
- Allow exchange students to get in contact with the local communitity;
- Show elderly people that ESN and exchange students care about their health and well-being;
- Sharing cultural experiences with older and wise people;
- Allow exchange students to do continuous volunteering during their studies abroad;
- Allow exchange students to watch a typical portuguese music show;
- Give exchange students and elderly a different afternoon.
Porto is a city full of academic traditions as you may have already seen, and that goes from the youngest to the oldest. The wisdom of these people made possible that today we can enjoy and share amazing experiences in this beautiful city (the perfect match between old and new!). But sometimes we forget about that and this is the perfect opportunity to make these people feel loved and valued.
Come with us share your stories and your love!
We will give you the opportunity to become a volunteer in this institution during your stay in Porto (more info below). If you think that you won’t have time to do this all semester, but you want to come anyway, feel free to join us!
We have prepared a musical surprise for the elderly, but also for you!! Come check it out! We're counting on your precious help to make this afternoon unforgettable for our beautiful elderly!
About Senhor do Bonfim Kindergarten and Care Center: The daycare center is a social response, that consists of the execution of a group of services that contribute for the maintenance of the elderly and children in their social-family environment.
What you can do? Your job would be to help the staff and prepare entertainment activities for eldery. The world is your oyster :)
We could count with about 40 people (including exchange students, ESNers, elderly and local music artists). All the exchange students that were present showed interest in continue volunteering at the center during the rest of their stay. They were already given a weekly schedule. All the elderly were super amazed with the music show and they were very happy with the exchange students presence. They mentioned more than once that having all the young students there really made them feel good and valued.