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Goal of the Activity

Relax in a sauna and swim in ice cold water.


This is a mixed-gender naturist sauna session for all international students and their buddies! Do you need a break from school, assignments, and life in general? Join our sauna night at Sjøbadet! This event is a little different from our sauna nights at Havet. At Sjøbadet, we will be treated to a naturist mixed-gender Aufguss ritual with relaxing music, a salt scrub, honey, and essential oils. During Aufguss sessions, we stay silent and enjoy the meditative vibe with a great view of the Trondheim fjord. During breaks, talking is allowed, and we will go swimming in the fjord together. Aufguss is a ritual of physical and mental well-being, practiced inside a sauna, which grants a notable feeling of well-being and favors the elimination of a large amount of toxins and metabolic waste." * Note: we sit in the sauna without swimwear. When moving between the sauna and the water, we are asked to cover up with a towel. * Please show up at 11:15 to have time to remove your clothes and shower. The sauna session starts at 11:30. Meeting point: Sjøbadet Closest bus stops: Trondheim Hurtigbåtterminal, Trondheim S, and Skansen Time: 11:15 - 12:30 What to bring: At least TWO towels – one to sit on and one for under your feet. A third towel to dry off afterward (recommended). Slippers (optional but recommended). Your own water bottle! You can refill it from the restroom tap. This is a sober sauna experience – no alcohol is allowed inside or outside the sauna. Tickets will be available here, starting on March 10th at 12pm: Only 15 tickets are available, so be quick!

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 5 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Gender Equality
Mental Health & Well-Being
Physical Health & Well-Being
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