
- Destroy stereotypes exchange students might have related to AIDS and contaminated people;
- Share information about how people can get contaminated, how to prevent it and resources they can use in case they get contaminated;
- Promote exchange students' involvement in topics related to health.
Hi beautiful ones!
Despite the fact that we live in a time were our minds should be open enough to face things as they exist, there are still some taboos that people choose not to talk about.
Yes, in this case I am refering to AIDS a name well known by everyone. However, do we know how is it contaminated? How we can prevent it? How should we react in case we may suffer from it?
For all of that questions we have the correct and perfect answers!
Come meet us for a dinamic quizz and workshop where the only taboo will be keeping your mind closed.
Hope you find this activity so useful as we belive it is.
We await you with the typical joy you got used to from us!
We believe this activity should be repeated in the future, because it has a lot of potencial. We had many people interested and subscribing for the event, but not many showed up. However, the ones that were present showed their interest in this topic and supported the idea of creating more events like this.