The aim was to foster teambuilding, get to know each other, learn about ESN and improve our skills.
We went to a building in San Benedetto Val Di Sandro (BO) where we stayed for two days. We all contributed to the coffee breaks, the meals and the cleaning.
DAY 1 outline
- Arrivals & coffee
- Icebreaking
- Social contract
- What is ESN in Bologna?
- How to organise a trip
- Lunch
- Office and secretariat: how to all become more "secretary" / Partnership: Present, Future & Beyond / How to handle money (small sessions, people divided into 3 groups, they "rotated" so that everyone could have attended it by the end)
- TimeOut before BurnOut
- Coffee break
- Teambuilding activities, roleplays etc.
- Dinner
- Social program
- Breakfast
- Energiser
- Diversity & Inclusion: a place to be (yourself)
- How to (Google) Drive
- Calendar & planning / Causes and activity: between social impact and technological issues / Communication
- Secret session
- Lunch
- Feedback session
- Cleaning & goodbyes
Most of the sessions were facilitated by Local Board, HR Team and two of our members that are also part of the Italian Pool of Trainers.