

One of the project’s initiatives is the promotion of STEM subjects to female students as a possible university career. Moreover, our cooperation perfectly aligns with this cause because we will organize training events with ESN volunteers as targets to increase soft skills and promote knowledge transfer.
We want to train ESN volunteers, to improve their skills with knowledge transfer and transmission of best practices. Our aim is also to unify ESN volunteers from the Italian, Adriatic and Ionian regions of the Balkans. With ESN-AIR we want to grow together.
Thanks to the strong collaboration and hard work of ESN Ancona and ESN Albania, the Tirana school event took place from 08/11 to 10/11 2024 and was a huge success!
The first day was dedicated to recruitment followed by a team-building dinner, which was informal and relaxed, giving new volunteers the chance to get to know each other, the trainers, and the team of ESN Tirana. After dinner, the participants joined the local Erasmus students for karaoke, which was the perfect icebreaker!
The second day was dedicated to workshops about the Erasmus project, ESN, and organizing activities. The last day was fully focused on team-building and ice-breaking activities. We played games that helped us get to know each other better and align our perspectives and objectives more closely.