Promoting responsible videogaming by raising awareness about the dangers of addiction.
Initially seen as a hobby, an escape, a waste of time or even the cause of mental health problems, video games have a less than desirable reputation with a large demographic of the Maltese Islands. More recently the WHO seems to have taken a U-turn on this notion stating that online interactions through video games may prove to be beneficial from a social perspective during this time of social distancing. Education is lacking in both the formal and informal sectors. Level Academy, in collaboration with the Richmond Foundation and supported by the Central Region of Local councils, will be holding a workshop titled Responsible Video Gaming on 3rd November at 1500pm and will take a look at:
We provide an overview of typical brain development and mental health in youths
We will take a closer look at addiction and addiction as a mental illness, outlining the risks and common warning signs for addiction
We will distinguish between gaming disorders and problem gaming and follow up with what support and professional help is available
Social interaction in Video Games
We delve into the notion that interaction through video games may aid in the development of various social skills and other benefits during a time of isolation