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Erasmus studing having a responsable party in Plovdiv
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The Pub-Crawl served as more than just a night of revelry; it was a strategic opportunity to promote social integration, cultural exchange, and community building among Erasmus students. By providing a structured yet dynamic environment where participants could interact and engage in meaningful ways, we aimed to foster friendships and create a sense of belonging within the Erasmus community.

Moreover, by including a diverse range of venues and activities, such as live music performances and interactive games, we encouraged participants to explore new experiences and embrace the local culture. 


ESN Plovdiv did an exhilarating Pub-Crawl adventure, where we explored the vibrant nightlife scene of our city and forged unforgettable memories together. Our journey began in the local park, where we soaked in the atmosphere with some music and kicked off the evening with an ice-breaking game, setting the stage for a night of camaraderie and fun.

From there, we embarked on a whirlwind tour of Plovdiv's best bars, stopping at a total of six establishments along the way. Each venue offered its own unique ambiance and entertainment, providing the perfect backdrop for Erasmus students to mingle and get to know each other better.

As we traversed the city streets, laughter filled the air as participants engaged in various games and activities designed to foster connections and break down barriers. Whether it was a lively game of trivia or a spirited round of karaoke, there was never a dull moment as we bonded over shared experiences and laughter.

One of the highlights of the evening was the final stop, where a karaoke session awaited us and a live concert of a local band in one of the bars.

Logo of the SDG Goal 12
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Fostering Responsible Consumption
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