
The goal of polish evening was to embrace polish culture, mostly by teaching about history of Poland. We wanted to show our erasmus students one of the toughest moments in our history and help them see the courage of Poles. What is more we also included traditional polish food for participants in order to catch a glimpse of our cuisine and feel more at home in Poland. We wanted to highlight the bright side of Polish culture such as dances, food, holidays; so our foreign students could settle in Poland better, as a patriots we wanted to show our love for Poland and its culture.
First we started the evening by showing a documentary about polish history, mainly focusing on World Wars and our road to peace. We highlighted the importance of freedom to our country and the courage of polish soldiers during battles. What is more, we provided a presentation about Poland, we talked about our capital, traditions, most celebrated holidays and again some history. Also we made sure that there was traditional polish food, talked about tradition of certain dishes being eaten during holidays. Our erasmus students could taste a home-cooked polish meal and feel more settled in Poland. After that, we provided a showcase of traditional polish dances, featuring one of the best dancers in such category in Poland.