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Our team of chefs
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Goal of the Activity

The purpose of the event was to present our culture to erasmus exchange students in a small group, at an individual event. We wanted to teach them something they could pass on once they returned to their home countries. 


We organised a Polish Cooking Workshop, where we taught Erasmus+ students how to prepare from scratch very basic and common Polish dishes – potato cakes (placki ziemniaczane) and racuchy pancakes. ESN section members prepared recipes based on their family tradition, as well as organised the ingredients. Then we instructed the participants step-by-step how to make each meal and shared our tips and expertise. The cooking and preparation process was fun and engaging for everyone, as each participant had the chance to manually prepare the batter. The final products were delicious, and many participants later shared with us pictures of potato cakes and racuchy pancakes that they made themselves at home after being inspired at our cooking workshop!

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Fostering Responsible Consumption
Recognition of Skills
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: