Cleaning the beach
The sea that surrounds our small Estonia - the Baltic Sea.
Like most of the World's Oceans, the Baltic Sea is also polluted.
More and more we can talk about plastics that accumulate in different marine organisms, which is a result of increasing human activity.
So, what can you and I do about it? We can do a lot of things daily but on May 7th, we can do something all together!
Come and join the Clean-up Day in Pirita, in the framework of the international Teeme Ära movement that started in Estonia in 2008!
On the same day, before we head to Pirita's coastal area, we will have an interactive session and different discussions with one of the scientists from Tartu University's Estonian Marine Institute.
Also, it will be possible for you to see some of the animals that live in the Baltic.
It is time to act & let's do it together!
WHAT: Baltic Sea Clean-up
WHEN: on 7th of May, 12.00pm
WHERE: Tallinn University (before Pirita) - room A-002 (Astra building!)
PS! Please fill in a short register form:
ESN Tallinn, TLU Looduse- ja Tervisteaduste Instituudi Üliõpilasnõukogu, Eesti Mereinstituut & Ocean Initatives, a Surfrider Foundation Europe Programme