Watching netflix every night makes you feel a little bit lonely? It's been a long time since you really yelled at someone for beating you at a board game and you miss sitting together in a comfortable round with friends?
Then join us on our discord channel on Friday at 8.30pm to play some games, chat with us and forget about your problems of the week!
We will meet on our new and beautiful space in gathertown!
To find us on gathertown just follow this link to our discord channel: → and there you will find #gathertown. This link should take you directly to the PUB where you can pick a game table, take a seat, and let the games begin!
We’re looking forward to having lots of fun and laughter with you!
Disclaimer: Please be aware that pictures might be taken during events and those pictures might be published on our social media channels or used for ESN purposes. If you don't want pictures of you to be taken, you have to actively mention it to us.