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Goal of the Activity

The goal of the "National Food and Drinks Party" is to foster cultural exchange and community building among students from different countries at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The event aims to create an inclusive environment where participants can share their culinary traditions, learn about others' cultures, and make new friends.


English below

Sveiki! 🎉

Kviečiame Jus į  Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų Universiteto Tarptautinių Ryšių ir Studijų Centro, ESN LSMU, LiMSA ir ICOSA organizuojamą renginį „National Food and Drinks Party“, kuris vyks balandžio 18 dieną! Čia galėsi ne tik susidraugauti su iš įvairių šalių atvykusiais studentais bei susipažinti su jų tradicijomis bet ir pristatyti savo šalį. 🌍🥳 Galbūt kyla klausimas, kas vyksta per  „National Food and Drinks Party“? 🤔 Per šią tarptautinę vakarienę kiekvienas dalyvis yra raginamas atsinešti savo šalį reprezentuojantį patiekalą ar gėrimą. Skambant muzikai ne tik šoksime, bet ir leisimės į kvapnią kelionę, kartu tyrinėdami naujus skonius! 🎶


Svarbiausia informacija:

📅 Renginio laikas: balandžio 18 dieną, 19 val.

⏱ Renginio trukmė: apie 2 val.

📍 Renginio vieta: Solo society, Kęstučio g. 36, Kaunas

🎒 Ką atsinešti: savo šalies užkandžius ir gėrimus. Padėkite mums sumažinti atliekų kiekį ir atsineškite daugkartinio naudojimo puodelius ir lėkštes!



Hello! 🎉


We would like to invite You to a „National Food and Drinks Party“ event organised by Lithuanian University of Health Sciences International Relations and Study Centre, ESN LSMU, LiMSA and ICOSA, which will happen on April 18th! Here you can not only make friends with students from different countries and get introduced to their traditions, but also introduce your own country. 🌍🥳 You might ask, "What is a 'National Food and Drinks Party'?" 🤔 At this international dinner, each person is encouraged to bring a dish or beverage representing their home country. Amidst music and dance, we'll embark on a flavorful journey, exploring new tastes together! 🎶


Important information:

📅 Event time: April 18, 7 p.m

⏱ Duration of the event: about 2 hours

📍 Venue: Solo society, Kęstučio st. 36, Kaunas

🎒 What to bring: your own snacks and drinks from your country. Help us cut waste by bringing reusable cups and plates!

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Showcase Cultural Heritage
This activity was organised by:
ICOSA - International Committee of SA - LSMU