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Objective / Goal of the activity

The MUSICA SENZA ETICHETTA project aims to promote the cultural and artistic growth of enterprising young people of all nationalities with the aim of becoming more and more rooted in the city and in the social and cultural context of the region.
The project includes, as the main part, a musical contest that rewards the best unreleased song of the participants; the prize is the recording of the song and the recording of a video clip of the same.
Alongside the music contest, a city bike tour was added with various cultural stops along the way to reconcile the importance of sustainable mobility with culture.
The social part was also important with the collection of food to donate to the most needy of the city, a way to raise awareness of the theme of solidarity.


The event took place on the only day of 21 August 2020 in the city of Potenza. The initiatives started at 17:00 with the city bike tour of the city in which there were 4 cultural stops, two musical and two theatrical. The city bike tour was organized in collaboration with CiclOstile Fiab Potenza, an association that deals with the promotion of sustainable mobility in the city.
The terminus of the tour was the square in front of the University of Basilicata, the area of ​​the music contest to which the participants of the bike tour were able to participate with their own reserved tiket.
The concert area was open to the public at 18:30 and at the entrance it was possible to donate food to be allocated to the most needy in the city thanks to the collaboration with the Magazzini Sociali IoPotentino association.
AVIS Potenza was also present at the event to encourage awareness of the issue of blood donation among young people.

Following the musical contest, the performance of the artistic duo PSICOLOGI, artists of national caliber who closed the evening with their music.

Result of the activity

The event was well attended by the city and also by people from outside the region. Due to the COVID-19 regulations, the seats available for the event were limited to 750, but the response was excellent in any case. Also due to COVID we had few Erasmus participants in the event, but we hope that over time it will get better and better.

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