
We take you to some of the best museums the city has to offer, while they organise fun extra activities for the Museum Night.
Hello to all the cultural lovers out there,
It’s almost that time of the year again, when museums open their doors late into the night and art lovers roam the streets of Ghent under the moon and stars. 🖼️🤩
On Thursday 5 December, it’s Museum Night! The 10 biggest museums in Ghent will open their doors at nighttime, and ESN Gent will be there to join. Because visiting 10 museums in one night is a bit much, we’ve made a planning to visit 3 museums that night.
We will divIde you in to four groups and each group will visit other museums
These are the options:
GROUP 1: MSK (silent disco) + GUM & Botanical garden ('Through the Looking Glass' exposition) + SMAK(screen printing, meditation and live music) FULL
GROUP 2: GUM & Botanical garden ('Through the Looking Glass' exposition) + MSK (silent disco) + SMAK(screen printing, meditation and live music) FULL
GROUP 3: WINTERCIRCUS (exposition and workshops of the design museum)+ Sint-Pieters abdij (medieval art and music, glühwein & tea) + MSK (silent disco) FULL
GROUP 4: 1.Industriemuseum (workshops and exposition plastic fantastic) 2. Kunsthal (performances, music, expositions) 3. Huis van Alijn (outside party and more) STILL SOME SPOTS
❗Make sure to eat before the activity.
❗Be on time! We have specific time slots for the museums.
📅 05/12/'24
⏰️ 6.30 PM – 12 AM
📌 Depending on the group:
Group 1: STAM (Godshuizenlaan 2, 9000 Gent)
Group 2: GUM (Karel Lodewijk Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent)
Group 3: Wintercircus (Lammerstraat 13, 9000 Gent)
Group 4: Industriemuseum (Minnemeers 10, 9000 Gent)
💰Free event, registration mandatory
✍️ Register through this form ⬇️
⚠️ Attendance policy: if you fail to attend the event for which you registered without prior notification (at least 24 hours in advance)