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Goal of the Activity

Address topics such as social inclusion and gender equality through the vision of an Italian movie giving the possibility to Erasmus students to further improving at the same time their knowledge of the Italian language 


We organised a cine-forum gathering all the participants in a projection room screening the movie "Diverso da chi?" followed by a final discussion. We choose to present this movie given the current social and political situation here in Italy after the rejection of the "DDL Zan", a law proposal which aimed to support the rights of all the community of LGBT+ and other minority groups.  The movie is a comedy but at the same time it also shows the differences and difficulties of the everyday life for the main characters: a gay couple and a single divorced woman who believes in the "traditional family" concept. Soon they will realize that those differences and beliefs live only in their imagination. The movie was in Italian with English subtitles.

At the end of the movie we started a discussion about the general topic with specific reference of the DDL Zan showing the Erasmus students the Italian reality and let them pointing out possible differences in their home countries. 

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Gender Equality
Inclusive Education
Support Language Learning
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