The goal was to help integrating the new mentors into the life of ESN Szeged: show them what it means to be a mentor, what activities is expected from them and to meet with their colleagues as well.
The camp started on Friday: after everyone arrived, we had some team building activities (introduction games), the board introduced themselves and we had more team building activities into the night. On Saturday, we had a few workshops: the working groups introduced themselves ( what is their aim and what would be the mentors' job to do if they joined that specific working group), how to do office duty (how to create ESN cards and how to register people to events), finances (how to make an invoice) and how to organise an event. DUring breaks, we have included some small games so as to encourage the members to talk with each other. We have had a little party on Saturday night as a way to close the day. On Sunday, we took the train and went home.