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SID 2022 - Mental-Health & Well-Being
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Goal of the Activity

The aim of the activity was to discuss Mental Health by giving students information that could be key to them and to the people around them. The University of Luxembourg provides a lot of content on Mental Health coming from safe sources (Psychologist and Inclusion office) and that International Students may not always be aware of it.

As we are students coming from different backgrounds, our mental health can be quite impacted and presenting accurate information, offering a safe-space for sharing experiences and proposing healthy coping mechanisms we aimed at achieving the motto "Mens sana in corpore sano"


During the week, we used social media to ask different questions every day concerning Mental Health, which engaged the students to reflect and assess how they were feeling in the moment.

On Friday, we made a small session on Mental Health in a room at the University. This allowed us to show the different information presented  by the University concerning Mental conditions as well as a list of important contacts that can help in different situations. In addition, the dangers of self-diagnosing were also highlighted so that in case of doubt, students are made aware that it is best to seek professional help at all times. 

Some tips and tricks were also spread in order to showcase how we can add to our routine some healthy coping mechanisms to deal with different types of mental conditions by ESN Luxembourg and the Fachschaft Psychologie Uni.LU association.

Finally, the LGBTQ+ association discussed how Mental Health is impacted in the LGBT community and how it was important to reach out for help.

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Mental Health & Well-Being
Physical Health & Well-Being
This activity was organised by:
Fachschaft Psychologie Uni.LU
Uni.LU LGBTQ+ Students' Association