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Young people celebrating after a match
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Goal of the Activity

The main goal for these activities was to pass on skills to other people - mostly in areas such as Graphic Design,  Photography, Propagation, Writing, but also to develop perception skills and teamwork or just raise awareness of Causes of ESN among newbies.

  • Learning new skills in the topic
  • Ensuring higher employability in the future
  • Broadening horizons
  • Focus on mental health
  • Get to know more people and reduce everyday stress

During the two months we had several workshops for ESN members. Our section also tries to cooperate with other associations in Brno, so workshops were mostly covered by specific leaders from BU United, BEST and Pro život -Brno.

The main goal for these activities was to pass on skills to other people - mostly in areas such as Graphic Design,  Photography, Propagation, Writing, but also to develop perception skills and teamwork or just raise awareness of Causes of ESN among newbies We try to choose a wide spectrum of topics, so that everyone has something to pick from. At least 3 people from ESN VUT  attended each workshop whereas in some of the workshops there were more than 10 people and around 30 people joined First Aid Course. Most of the workshops were offline in the offices of individual associations  and lasted around 1 - 2 hours.

The budget was used for snacks in these workshops and for small rewards to the leaders.

Some of the  workshops that were organized during the semester:

  •  First Aid Course
  •  Stress & Time Management for the Exams
  •  Communicaton 2.0
  •  Graphics Fod Dummies
  • Notion: Notes, Plans? All in one App
  • Workshop focused on Graphic design
  • Propagation and Marketing
  • Adobe Illustrator for Beginners
  • Latex
  • Evening with board games
Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Mental Health & Well-Being
Physical Health & Well-Being
Recognition of Skills
Support Language Learning
This activity was organised by: