

- Convey the passion for ESN our newbies, together with the vision and values of the association
- Train our volunteers on event organisation, time management, mutual trust, personal and collective responsibility, and team work
- Boost the motivation of the newbies and the other Staff members
The Local School was divided in two afternoons: Saturday and Sunday from 2 pm to 7 pm.
Saturday was dedicated to the importance of personal and collective responsibility. We worked as a whole team and did several activities also divided into groups. We explained which are the Local Board members duties and how to organise a local event, considering every single aspect.
The next day was dedicated to team building activities, time management workshop, and different activities linked to how to provide a useful and effective feedback.
All the participants were proactive, completely involved in the activities we prepared, we were able to navigate the Agenda smoothly and with constant focus.
At the end of this School, the participants provided their feedback on the training sessions and it was highlighted by everyone that the event was useful, not only for the association purposes, but also for our daily life.