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Young people celebrating after a match
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Goal of the Activity

Join us for some friendly competition, while getting some excercise in a fun way.


Are you ready to strike? Not in a form of a protest but as in knocking down all the pins first try and then feeling absolute pleasure? Then join us in the bowling tournament! The Tournament will be in teams which we will mix up 🤗 

P.S. The Bowling Club offers a variety of pizzas, so in case you get hungry you can order it for yourself 🍕 

⏰️When? 27.03, 18:45h - 21:00h 

📌Where? Bowling Club, Florijana Andrašeca 14 ( 

💰 Price? 10,5 EUR ( which include 2h of bowling and shoes) - Paying only in office! 

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Physical Health & Well-Being
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: