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Erasmus waving the flag of ESN L'Aquila while singing the song ‘Asereje’ by Las Ketchup’.
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Goal of the Activity

Spend a cheerful evening singing songs from all over the world. Sharing their musical tastes and the musical identity of each nation.  


We were hosted at the venue of one of our partners, Disorder, which allowed us to use one of its rooms for the Karaoke event. 
We were able to sing along to Italian, Spanish, American, Arabic, French, German, Albanian and much more. 
Enjoying a quiet evening, and between one song and another, having the opportunity to chat with the various participants.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: