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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

Share food from your own nationality and try other countries’ food. We also raised money for Red Nose Day charity fundraising by selling raffle tickets for 1.5€ to cooking people and giving them away for free for paying-eating people. Prizes were: gift card from Kerubi, Cosmic, Otto cafè, Dolly and a bag of tea.


Share food from your own nationality and try other countries’ food. Charity fundraising.

Result of the activity

The event was very successful, many people signed up and they all enjoyed the idea, bringing a lot
of food (more than 5 servings each, many more than one dish) and there were also leftovers. The
atmosphere was a nice Friday night get together and the room was full. The food
was more than enough. The quiz and the gifts were appreciated. 

We collected 150 euros for charity.

This activity was organised by:
ESN Joensuu