
The main goal of this activity is to mix generations and share experiences and knowledges.
International students and elderly create bonds and exchanges views on their respective countries.
It is also the chance for international students to practice French on a long period of time.
The activity starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 14:30pm. There are several steps:
- Do grocery shopping with the list of ingredients that we created according to the recipes that we choose to do.
- Then we go to the place were we are going to cook and eat. There we did a game. We wrote on papers our ages (international students and elderly). Elderly pick a paper with the age of an international student and vice versa. Elderly explained what they were doing/ how was their life at this time and international student imagine what they are going to do/be.
- After that we all cook together.
- At last, we eat this delicious meal.
Stater: Pao de queijo and salad (Brazil)
Main: Golubsty (Russian)
Dessert: roses bouquet (Turkish)
This activity is a great moment to share with another generation. There are a lot of conversations between elderly and international students. It is a great way to practice French.
Also, we can see the cooking skills of everyone and share tips.