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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the activity

The main objectives of the training were to create a basic knowledge of the broad topic concerning cultural heritage, to stimulate curiosity about it through an interactive webinar and to give a hint to the other sections in order for them to be able to perform similar webinars.
Another aim is to provide the tools to understand how differences can foster intercultural dialogue by means of concrete examples taken from existing European realities.The webinar’s focus was cultural diversity as an asset as well as a resource for personal and social development. It also offered practical techniques that can be implemented in international contexts to foster interaction between different cultures without generating misunderstandings, but rather by fostering dialogue and adaptation.

Learning Objective for the participants

Participants can use the gained knowledge in everyday life. Indeed, the main aim was to understand the importance of intercultural communication competence through both activities and theory, so that they can develop it and apply it in their daily life. We constantly live in intercultural realities, so having an open mind and a positive attitude towards differences, and being open to dialogue are key factors to build a peaceful and respectful environment. Moreover, we are willing to share this report and a recording of the webinar with those interested in it (i.e. ESNers that would like to realise similar webinars in their sections) or that have not had the chance to take part in it. That is because we strongly believe in the importance of developing intercultural communication competence both at individual and collective level.

Result of the activity

We strongly believe that this type of activity not only has the aim to inform people about the topic, but also to make our organisation more aware about the other’s needs, way of thinking and behaving. That means, we strongly believe that those who took part in our webinar have gained knowledge and skills that can be applied both in their daily life and activities within the organisation. They will witness and demonstrate what we tried to explain and show during our webinar and workshops becoming a living example of our theories.

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