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Students waiving multiple flags during an event
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Goal of the Activity

The main aim of the event is the integration between Dutch and international students. Unfortunately, what we often see in Groningen is that both groups live and study quite separately from each other and there is little to no contact. The Integration Night is meant to change that. We aim to decrease the gap between international and Dutch students and establish more contact. This is meant to give internationals a better understanding of the Dutch student culture and associations and, at the same time, it is for many Dutch students the first time that they get in contact with international students. Thus, on both sides, it can break down stereotypes, eliminate stigmas surrounding both groups and eventually lead to a more inclusive student environment in Groningen. Lastly, we also aim to show that the participating associations are open towards everyone and that many welcome international and Dutch members. By that, we hope to increase the number of international members in some associations and in others, the number of Dutch members. 


The Integration Night is an event that takes place every year and has a long tradition. The aim is to foster integration between international and Dutch students and to show international students more of the Dutch side of the student culture. At the same time, students from different associations will also get in touch with each other. Thus, it is about intercultural exchange and a more inclusive student environment. The event is a collaboration between the following associations:

- Erasmus Student Network Groningen
- AEGEE Groningen 
- Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG)
- SIB Groningen
- Navigators Studentenvereniging Groningen (NSG)
- RKSV Albertus Magnus
- Vindicat Atque Polit 
- Hanze Studentenbelangen Vereniging (HSV)

It will start at 5 pm with a Pub Quiz at NSG. This Pub Quiz will be about Student Culture in Groningen and the Netherlands and, in more detail, about the participating associations. This way, all participants actually get to know more about the associations. Afterwards, we will have dinner together at Vindicat. The evening will end in a Cantus in Albertus with a social following that will give international and Dutch students time to socialise and bond with each other. In its entirety, the programme is meant to share Dutch student culture, break the ice between everyone and encourage socialising across nationalities and associations.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by:
Navigators Groningen
AEGEE Groningen
SIB Groningen
Albertus Magnus
Vindicat Atque Poli
Hanze Studentenbelangen Vereniging
Studenten Organisatie Groningen